The Minor Arcana is made up of 4 suits, wands, cups, pentacles and swords.
Each suit that combines the Minor Arcana will be taught separately in 3 videos starting with the Wands LIVE with Radko, beginning from the Ace of the suit until the King.
Radko will take you through the themes, symbolism and storyline of every suit breaking down in depth the meaning of each card and how to interpret it in regarding general readings, specific question readings, love readings and career readings.
Each course is held live in a PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP and every student receives a video of the recorded session to keep forever, along with the options of asking questions during or after the live class and have them answered directly by Radko.
You will also receive optional exercises from Rad to ensure comprehension of the material that if completed will receive his comments and feedback.
Beginner or Expert if you want to dive deep into the cards and learn Radkos secret tips and tricks this course is for you.
You will also receive Radko’s special tarot spread that he uses when conducting his professional readings in order to practice, which can be used in professional readings by yourself or others.
After the first suit, the Wands is completed, Radko will move forward teaching the remaining suits in a separate course.
Suit of Wands
$75 USD
Suit of Swords
$75 USD
Suit of Cups
$75 USD
Suit of Pentacles
$75 USD
All Suits
$270 USD